Couples are sometimes advised that they are too old to have children, but one couple in India defied all of these age restrictions and had a kid in their 70s. They were unable to conceive naturally throughout their 46-year marriage, so they sought reproductive medication. The vivacious couple is overjoyed to have a gorgeous baby boy.
In September 2014, Daljinder Kaur, 72, and her 79-year-old husband sought reproductive therapy. Daljinder expressed that she used to feel depleted. There was such a sense of emptiness. She had given up hope of ever becoming a mother.
It was difficult to persuade physicians to grant her the therapy, but they eventually consented to her having rounds of IVF. She became pregnant two years and three rounds later.
On April 19, 2016, Daljinder gave birth to a healthy baby boy weighing 4.4lb, whom they named Arman, and she quickly became one of the world’s most seasoned moms.
As if a successful birth with no difficulties wasn’t enough for Dalijinder, she subsequently breastfed her kid for three months.

The media met up with her about 11 months after her kid was born to find out how she was managing. In the video below, you can see how this great family is adjusting to life after their baby was born.
How Old?! Indian Woman In Her 70s Becomes First-Time Mother! 😯An Indian couple are celebrating the arrival of their first child – despite both being in their SEVENTIES. 😧
Posted by truly on Friday, 7 December 2018
I wouldn’t have thought something like this was feasible if I hadn’t seen this video. Kids are a blessing and a gift that should be appreciated.