
Unsupportive Mom Upset After Her Deaf Daughter Decides To Hold Her Wedding Ceremony In Sign Language.

Marriage is one of the most beautiful phases in life. A girl mostly has dreamt of her wedding so when she gets married it’s her and her partner right how the wedding should be. At that moment, all they need is support and love from their family. In this case the deaf bride and groom wanted their wedding in ASL with English interpreters but her mom was totally unhappy with their decision. Read this story and help her solve the bride’s confusion.

Source: Reddit

I’m (24F) deaf and growing up my parents got me bilateral cochlear implants and forced me into mainstream school, never taught me sign language and never immersed me into my culture as a deaf person. They were actually pretty against me using ASL at all. Well I took ASL in highschool against my parents wishes and then got into a deaf university.

Although I couldn’t sign fluently when I started, I finally felt accepted and understood, the deaf community was nothing but welcoming. I became fluent in ASL after a few months and stopped wearing my processors completely as there was no need for them any more. I honestly didn’t realize how alone I had felt until I didn’t feel that way anymore.

I also met my fiance at college, he is from a very large family of deaf people. Everyone he knows even in his far extended family is deaf, HOH, CODA or SODA and everyone is fluent in sign. I love his family so much.

We’ve been together for 4 years now, he proposed last may. We’ve been planning the wedding and decided to have it fully in ASL, the pastor at our churches deaf program agreed to do the ceremony. My extended family of hearing people is very small, just my mom, my dad, my sister, my brothers, my aunt, my uncle and my cousin (my cousin is learning sign). Whereas my fiancé’s huge extended family who are all deaf or sign fluently will be there and most of our friends are deaf or know sign.

We decided to get an interpreter for the hearing people though so they’d know what was going on. Our wedding is in August so we just sent the invites. The invite mentions that it will be in ASL but will have an interpreter for those who are “Signing impaired” which is kinda just a joke.

But my mom started texting me and tried to convince me that it should be in English and have an ASL interpreter. I feel like it’s our wedding so we should have it in our first language but my mom thinks that we are in America so english should be the first language and anyone who doesn’t choose to “get cured” (Get an implant) should get an interpreter.

She also said it was disrespectful to say “Signing impaired” I don’t think she realizes the irony as she always refers to me as hearing impaired. During the entire conversation she kept repeating that ‘I should have never let you go to that school.’

My mom also says that the deaf people should be used to having interpreters whereas she’s never had one before so it will make it harder to understand. Should I just have the ceremony in english because I guess that’s the more normal way of communication even though we consider sign our primary language?

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