
“They took her soul”: Soldier died by suicide after being sexually assaulted, but Army “did nothing”

Debbie Robinson, the mother of Morgan Robinson said that her daughter had identified from a very young age that she sought to join the armed forces.

When Morgan turned 21, she told her mother that she has joined the armed forces.

Though Morgan been in the Army National Guard for six years, she was subjected to sexual harassment in Kuwait in 2016 when she was sent on her initial placement.  

Debbie said that when her daughter was in Kuwait, she was sexually attacked and repeatedly harassed by one of her seniors. Debbie also told how Morgan informed about the abuse, but the Army did not help her.

Whilst on the same placement, Morgan was directed to Afghanistan where she was sexually attacked for a second time. On this time, a cluster of associated soldiers sexually assaulted her in a gang.

Debbie said that Morgan was very frightened since they threatened her and that she knew that she would not get any help.

Heartbreakingly, Morgan pass away by suicide just four months after then-Secretary of Defense made it clear in 2018 that there was a zero-tolerance rule for sexual attack.

According to reports, an enquiry was thrown by the Army, who gave Debbie a copy of the enquiry. She said that she just didn’t understand how they could in fact stand there and look into her eyes and hand that reports to her.

Debbie wasn’t satisfied. She gone through the unredacted sheets of the statement into Morgan’s death and found the following passage: “Sergeant Robinson suffered sexual, physical, and psychological trauma while deployed. The sequela of this trauma was a factor in her death.”

Debbie blames the military for her daughter’s death. She said that military did not handle what transpired to Morgan. Debbie said that military can’t police their self and how can they examine themselves.

An on-paper warning was delivered to the officer who had primarily assaulted Morgan in Kuwait 8-months after her death.

According to Debbie, her daughter did not get justice and that’s took her life. She continued military wanted her body and they took her soul.

For over a decade, the Pentagon has vowed to eradicate sexual assault from its ranks. But a @CBSNews investigation finds the military has fallen short. Norah O'Donnell spoke to the mother of an Army Sgt. who says the handling of her daughter’s sexual assault led to her death.

Posted by CBS Evening News with Norah O'Donnell on Wednesday, 18 November 2020

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