Coworkers that are nice and pleasant are certainly a blessing from God. The majority of us are looking at 40+ years of collaborative work, thus our coworkers being our pals is an unsaid need. They can make or break your mood on a typical workday. As we’ll see in the narrative today, those connections may occasionally save your marriage and stop a lot of arguments with your partner. Read the story and as always, we’d love to hear your opinions in the comments section below.
Source: Reddit
Female coworker of mine was miserable at work one day. I asked her what was wrong…she told me it was her anniversary, and she knew her husband had forgotten.
She had pre-teen girls at home during summer vacation….I knew her home phone number (pre-cell phone era). I called her home phone and one kid picked up.
Explained to the kid who I was and that she needed to call Dad at work and remind him it was Mom and Dad’s anniversary….and don’t tell Mom OR Dad I called.
The next day she was all smiles, gosh he DID remember, brought home flowers and took her to dinner. Mission Accomplished. Not a word was ever said about this….
Until 6 years later, when she left the company. She gave me a hug at a farewell luncheon, and whispered “my kids ratted you out. Thank you”.