
‘I asked my neighbour to take their Christmas lights down – they are intrusive’

Not all enjoy dazzling Christmas light displays, but there isn’t much you can do if a neighbor puts up their own. However, if the same neighbor decides to expand their holiday light display onto your flower bed, it suddenly becomes your concern. That was the experience of one angry woman in this story however she’s not sure if she’s being a jerk and spoilsport by denying next door’s joy in all things Christmassy.

Source: Mumsnet

I came home and saw that my neighbours had decorated their house ready for Christmas.

They had put one of their Christmas decorations on my garden without checking with me first. They seemed annoyed when I (very politely) asked them to put it on their own driveway instead.

So, was I being unreasonable? It was very close to the boundary, so I thought about letting it go, but it’s a long time until Christmas!

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