
Am I Wrong For Prioritizing My Dog Over My Mom’s Stepchild.

Source: Reddit

I (f32) have a 12 years old American Bully named Rory. Because of her age she had a lot of health issues. Right now she needs to have surgery. It’s going to be around 6k plus about 3-4k in meds followed by 6 months in therapy that’s going to be 10-12k. That brings the total to 22k the most. I can easily afford it because I have a good job (in IT), i don’t have any debt to pay, I’m child free and i budget myself very well.

My mom was what you can call a weekend parent. She never really mothered me. She will often let me fend for myself. Because of that my childhood was practically nonexistent. My dad died when I was 2 and my grandparents lived far away so I was by myself 99% of the time. I had Low contact with her when I started college.

Last year she got married to Alex who has a 5 year old son (David) from a previous relationship. I wasn’t aware of any of this. I didn’t know she was dating and I didn’t know she got married.

Mom called me last night because David has some health issues and needs medical care that’s too expensive for their budget. That’s when I found out about Alex. Apparently my mom did tell me anything because if i knew about Alex she would have been forced to invite me to the wedding which she didn’t want to do because Alex doesn’t know i exist.

Basically she wants me to send her 15k to pay for David’ treatment or whatever he needs. I said no. I’m doing well financially but I don’t have that kind of money and I’m not paying for a random kid. I told mom as nice as I could that I can’t help her because 1. I don’t want to and 2. I don’t have the money. She ended the call. She found out about my Rory’ surgery from my cousin and this morning I woke up to a bunch of voicemails and texts calling me all possible names because I chose my dog over her step kid.

I texted back this: “yes. That dog means the world to me and I will do anything I can for her. David is nothing to me. You got married without telling me because you don’t want your hubby to know I exist. Perfect. If I don’t exist in your little perfect life then why are you asking me for money? Your stepchild isn’t my responsibility. I wouldn’t give you 15k even if I had it because you’re not important enough to me to spare that kind of money. You haven’t called me in what? 3 years? 4? And now you want money from me? Nah.”

Safe to say my family is now calling me a monster because I would rather help a dog than a child. My decision is final but I’m curious if I’m A TA?

Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: 

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