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A 20-Yr-old Mother Placed Her Son For Adoption. His New Family Refused To Leave Her Behind.

Schauna Austin gave birth to a baby boy when she was 20 years old and single. However, the family who would adopt her baby wanted her to be involved in every key milestone of his life.

Austin claimed she gave birth to Riley and held him for 72 hours straight.

It was perfect, Austin remarked of her new kid. She realized she only had him for a limited period, so she made every minute count. She hadn’t slept in three days.

Riley would become Steven for another family. In most closed adoptions, a barrier was built between Austin and Steven’s adoptive parents. However, this only lasted approximately a week.

Jennifer Schoebinger, an adopted mother, explained that this is how it should be. She was a member of their family.

She and her husband, Chris Schoebinger, stated that they had no desire to exclude the biological mother.

So, year after year, they sent Austin stacks of photos and bound booklets documenting Steven’s every big and tiny achievement. According to the Schoebingers, they did this so that when Austin and their kid were ready, they could start up where they left off.

When Steven was seven years old, the two reconciled. Austin taught him how to fish, and the memories have been reeling ever since.

She felt beyond blessed, Austin remarked.

She definitely got the best of both worlds, Steven stated.

Steven is now 26 years old, married, and the father of a newborn son. To Austin’s surprise, he named the infant Riley.

According to Chris Schoebinger, he believes the lesson they learnt is that at times they put up obstacles when none are necessary. And when they break through those boundaries, they discover true love on the other side.

A 20-year-old mother gave up her son for adoption. His new family refused to leave her behind

When Schauna Austin got pregnant with baby Riley at age 20, she made the choice to place him for adoption. But unlike many closed adoptions, Schauna stayed in her son’s life. He’s now 26 and a parent himself to a baby named Riley. Steve Hartman is On the Road.

Posted by CBS Evening News with Norah O'Donnell on Friday, 23 December 2022

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