Source: Reddit
I (36F) am disabled and live with my father and my stepmother (Both 66) . We’ll call her Victoria. My mother passed when I was seven, and my parents were married for ten years before that happened. A year after my mother’s death, people started pushing my father to remarry, saying things like “you need help with a special needs child” and “a single man can’t raise a daughter” and that I “needed a stable mother figure in my life.” My dad resisted all of this for over a year.
Eventually, though, he gave in and married Victoria, who has been obsessed with him since they were in high school. I hate her. We’ve never had a good relationship. She hates that I look like my mother, she hates that I’m his only child, she hates that he only married her because of me, and most days I think that she hates that I breathe.
With my disability, I can’t drive and I move with a cane on most days. I take a few extra seconds to process [Victoria calls me “slow”] and in general just take a little longer to do things. This past Saturday, I was at the library for my twice monthly D&D session, and my dad was unfortunately stuck in an emergency call at work, so Victoria took me to the library.
While I was levelling to take on Strahd, she was spinning her own tale about what a good stepmom she was to the librarian and a few other ladies. I ignored it, even though I was really wishing my bard was a Barb so I could rage out. As everything was winding down, one of the ladies who had stopped to talk to her was saying about how “my daughter should aspire to be as good a stepmother as Victoria was.”
After nearly five hours listening to her version of our lives, I just snorted, and said “No one should aspire to be a stepmother who destroys her stepdaughter’s cross-stitch, steals her predecessor’s jewelry, and constantly belittles her stepkids.”
What I didn’t know was that my dad, not knowing that Victoria had stayed, had gotten home and knowing I would need to be picked up, came in the back just as I let loose.
Victoria is now saying that I caused the big fight they had, that I’m a “horrible person” that she has tried “everything she can think of” to make me like her, and that “I just want my father to be alone.” The gossip spread at her and dad’s church and dad’s been sleeping on the couch. I didn’t lie, and I do hate her, but I see dad sleeping on the couch and hear the arguing and more than one person has said I’m ungrateful. Am I Wrong?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: