Christmas is approaching, and with it all of the beautiful holiday enchantment that we love and look forward to. However not all Christmas stories have a good ending. A couple in this story purchased a VR set for their children for Christmas and left it at the SIL’s house to avoid spoiling the surprise. Read the whole story to know what happened after that and what would you do in such a situation?
Source: Reddit
Every year (not anymore after this incident!!) My husband and I have bought online gifts shipped to my SILs house. This has always been a thing (for 6 years). It is mainly just so someone can sign for them because my husband and I both work full time (6a-6p everyday besides Sunday) and our children would definitely open any package brought to the house so that’s a no go. My SIL has never, ever done something like this so I truly didn’t see it coming.
So, last month we purchased a VR as a big gift for our kids. The Oculus Quest 2. We told SIL about the gift and asked if we could ship it there to have her sign for it. We always ask, even though she always says yes. So, she knew the Oculus was going to her house. Given that our oldest is now 11 and likes to snoop, my husband asked if we could keep that gift at her place until Christmas in fear that our oldest would find it and ruin the surprise. She said of course.
My husband went over there last week to set up the Oculus so that we dont actually have to worry about all of the set up process come Christmas morning. So, he set it up, installed a few games and immediately put it back into its packaging and stored it in her pantry for safe keeping. Well, we get a fu**ing text last night saying “Sorry you guys but Heather found your Oculus and she took it out and broke it.” Heather is her 13yo daughter.
When we went over to inspect the item, it was literally smashed. Like, someone took a hammer to it. So heres the fu**ed up part.. Heather comes downstairs while we are there. She has her headphones in and is completely ignoring us. My husband taps her shoulder and when she focuses on him, he says “What do you have to say for yourself?” She had NO idea what we were talking about. When hubby explained it, she literally turned to her mother while laughing like a maniac and said “Really? Are you serious right now? YOU broke the fu**ing thing and now you’re trying to blame me? Are you kidding me?” She then, quite hurriedly, storms out of the house and slams the door.
I didn’t even wait for an explanation honestly because it was obvious to me that Heather didn’t touch the fu**ing Oculus. So, I turned to my SIL and said “Alright, so we paid $399 for the Oculus, plus $17.99 for priority shipping. We will need that money paid to us by the end of next week so we can go to the store and purchase another.” She raised her eyebrows and said “Excuse me? I’m not F paying you that.” My husband was rip sh*t livid and they got into a screaming match. SIL now says that we are AHs for making her pay for something that was broken in an accident, so close to Christmas. Am I Wrong for asking them to pay?