Moms are really essential! After all, we wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for them. From a newborn to an adult, your mother has led and nourished you with her unconditional love. Your mother’s birthday is definitely a reason to rejoice. However in this story a mother was really upset with her little kids during her birthday. Read the story and let us know what you would have done in such a situation.
Source: Reddit
My daughter just turned 40. She was not married but had a boyfriend and the relationship resulted in two children, a daughter now 8 and a son who is 5. Her boyfriend left because of her hot headed behavior (what he claims). He does not visit or contact the children.
I called her to wish her a happy birthday. She sounded aggravated on the phone. When I asked why she began yelling how thoughtless her children were. She told me they hadn’t bought her a gift or wished her a happy birthday because they didn’t know. I told her at that age they don’t remember dates and what did she expect, for them to hitchhike to the store and panhandle until they got enough money for a gift? She started screaming her daughter should know dates like this by now and they’re just so lazy. I said to my daughter she was being absolutely insane and they were only kids. The call ended with her now yelling at me and hanging up.
I later discussed it with my husband (daughter’s stepfather) who defended her, saying she was a single mom who felt alone today who we needed to cut her some slack.
What do you think about this situation? Any advice. Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: