Entering into the role of stepparent is a significant responsibility, and it’s something you should think about before getting engaged with an individual who has kids. One lady had no idea her partner had a second child until she was asked to care for him and she isn’t happy about it. Read the story and let us know how you would react to the situation.
Source: Reddit
My husband (25m) and I (22f) have been happily married for two years. We just had our first son and everything’s been great, until now. My husband dated a girl in high-school, and this last week her mother reached out to him asking him to take his son. Apparently she got pregnant right around when they broke up and he left for the military and decided not to tell him. According to her mother she’s gotten into drugs and left their son with her, but with her health problems she’s having issues taking care of him.
The boy is seven, and looks exactly like my husband. My husband plans on having a dna test done but there’s little doubt the boy is his. My husband is a good man and would never want to not be a parent to his child, he wouldn’t have left if he knew she was pregnant. But I don’t want us to take this boy. I would have never even dated my husband if I knew he had a kid, I don’t want to be a stepparent. He wants us to take his son and just raise him like we will our own son. I have refused.
My husband is in the military, and he will deploy for nine months next year. I don’t want to be a full time single mom to two kids while he’s gone. Especially not to one that isn’t even my own. We’re at a bit of a standstill.
If we get divorced he couldn’t take custody of his son anyways, because of his deployments, and if we got divorced he wouldn’t see our son because I would move across the country to be with my family. I’ve told him he can go visit his son if he wants but I’m not willing to be a stepparent. He is angry because no one can care for his child long term but me, and I really don’t want to do it. I didn’t sign up for this. Am I wrong for not being willing to raise my husband’s older child and making him choose.
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: