Source: Reddit
My daughter and I were recently on vacation. We spent the day in an area that’s known to have a lot of rich/famous people and towards the end of the day we saw one of my daughter’s favorite celebrities (we’ll call her A) walking out of a store.
My daughter ran to the store but when she got near A, she was stopped by A’s security. They said that A’s there with her daughter for her daughter’s birthday and wants to focus on her daughter.
My daughter was very upset because she’s been a fan of A for a very long time so she tried again for a picture but was turned away.
My daughter was crushed so later that night I made a post talking about my experience with A. How she wouldn’t let anyone go near her and her daughter, the fact that her security was rude, and her not being willing to stop for a couple seconds for a picture. I understand it’s her daughter’s birthday but a 1 minute interaction with a fan isn’t going to ruin her day and if it does, that girl needs to learn that the world doesn’t revolve around her.
The post ended up getting a lot of attention and a lot of people actually said my daughter and I were entitled to expect A to interrupt her daughter’s birthday for everyone that wants a picture.
My husband also saw the post and said he couldn’t believe that I would bash her for trying to spend the day with her daughter. I’m not trying to bash her for spending the day with her daughter but she wouldn’t be where she is without her fans so I think she at least owes it to them to take a picture.
Am i Wrong for making the post about A?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: