Source: Reddit
Ever since I turned 30 my MIL has been a complete nutcase because I haven’t given her a grandchild (I don’t plan on having kids).
When my husband is not around she will make disparaging remarks about my weight even though my BMI is healthy, how my husband earns way more money than I do (when I met him I earned more) and the fact that I’m on anti-depressants for a diagnosed mental illness.
I have tried to set boundaries with her in the past but this has not worked.
Fast forward to this week and went over for a birthday celebration. I sat on an outside chair (which I believe was already weather damaged) and it cracked. I apologised profusely saying it was an accident and everyone said it’s fine I mustn’t worry about it.
Forward to last night my husband told me that my MIL sent him an invoice for 200 $ for the chair. She did not send the invoice to me because she didn’t think I could afford to replace her words “not cheap” chair.
I slept on the matter and decided to send her a diplomatic message saying that I won’t be coming to her house anymore because I’m afraid I’ll break more expensive things. I told her my husband is a grown man and is free to go as he wishes and I will not prevent him from seeing her but I have had enough with all her antics.
This has now turned into a whole family drama.
So Am I A Jerk for refusing to go to her house in the future?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: