Every parent is worried about their child’s well-being. However, as one’s children reach adulthood, they should understand their obligations and live a fruitful life. When people work throughout the week, they want to unwind and rest on the weekends. Read the article below to find out what happened when this father and daughter discussed her doing nothing on the weekend and do you agree with her reaction?
Source: Reddit
I (26’F) work full time Mon-Friday and pay all the bills for my own apartment. I enjoy spending my entire weekend lying in bed watching Netflix, scrolling Tiktok, or just napping. I absolutely admit this isn’t a very ‘productive’ way to spend my time, however my bills are paid, my apartment is tidy and I have no outstanding errands, therefore it’s harming no one if I choose to stay in bed.
My father rang me this afternoon on WhatsApp and saw that I was still lying in bed, in my pyjamas at 4pm. He started making little digs saying ‘good evening’ and asking me ‘what I’ve done all day’. I told him absolutely nothing, to which he said it was ‘ridiculous’ that I felt it was acceptable to ‘laze about in bed all day’ to which I responded that it is none of his damn business if I want to lie in bed all weekend and abruptly ended the call.
I feel I’m in the right but my aunt and best friend seems to think I’m the AH
Am I wrong ? What should I do ?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: