There are few things in our world more heinous than causing harm to kids. True, people may be cruel at times, and as a species we have proved ourselves capable of horrifying things.
Unfortunately, it happens much too often. Every day, it appears that parents in one part of the world or another are brought to court for crimes committed against their own children.
One such pair is Brooklyn Tidwell and Michael Fisher. According to accounts, they nearly killed their daughter Addilyn, who was less than three months old at the time, in 2019.
Following the incident, Fisher was charged with attempted murder and severe child abuse and condemned to 50 years in prison. Meantime, Tidwell accepted a “best-interest” plea to child abuse and was sentenced to probation. She is prohibited from having any further contact with Addilyn as part of her sentence.
We don’t need to go into detail about how painfully unjust this occurrence is. Addilyn was nearly a newborn infant, a completely innocent soul, when she was subjected to horrendous torture at the hands of people who were supposed to love and protect her.
Terra Woodward, Addilyn’s great aunt, took her in when she was eliminated from Fisher and Tidwell’s care and pledged to never leave her side.

Luckily, Terra wasn’t the only one who pledged to make tiny Addilyn’s life the best it could be from now on. Trevor Woodward, Terra’s husband, is also active in her care. They have become her adoptive parents as a couple.
Doctors advised the couple that Addilyn will most certainly experience problems for the rest of her life as a result of the maltreatment she suffered. They even told her that she would be unable to move on her own.
But this tiny warrior is made of tough stuff.
She doesn’t feel good at all but she’s letting me know she’s gonna be ok this lil girl is one tough cookie 💜💜💜💜 thank you all for the love and prayers
Posted by AddilynStrong on Friday, July 2, 2021
According to accounts, Addilyn has fought every step of the way. Not only has she proved her ability to move and express feelings, but it is also believed that her impaired eyesight will recover completely.
Furthermore, Addilyn’s neighborhood has rallied around her, as have strangers online who have shown their unwavering support for her path.
Maybe no occasion has highlighted Addilyn’s incredible tenacity more than her first birthday, but by all accounts, she is making great strides with each passing month.
It’s so difficult to understand how somebody can inflict cruelty on a kid, let alone their own flesh and blood. Hope that those who commit such heinous crimes face the severe retribution they so clearly deserve.
Please share this post if you are willing to defend every innocent kid who has suffered horrible mistreatment.
Till then, you may wish Addilyn luck by leaving a message on our Facebook page.