
Best Thing A Dying Father Left For His Daughter.

Story by Edith Runion

In the months before my dad’s death, he told me numerous times he wasn’t afraid to die. That he was actually looking forward to being face to face with Jesus.

And he was certain. CERTAIN that Jesus was a real man and a real savior and he would really be walking with Him soon.

My dad was 68, a Vietnam helicopter door Gunner, had severe PTSD, suffered from alcoholism, and wrestled hard with life and the things he’d seen, and up until he was over 60 he didn’t believe. Then one day he did. And he was a completely different person. And we watched him.

His grown girls watched his every move. He was changed.

It wasn’t his words in his last days (the stroke took those away) – it was his certain faith that spoke so loudly and filled every corner of his home.

He left a missing piece but he also left me an incredible gift when he passed away. I have my doubts some days. Then I remember my dad’s faith and I come back to a place where there is no denying our savior Jesus and that we have a Creator.

The best thing he ever left for me was an example of CERTAIN faith.

What will you be leaving your kids? Money? Property? Antiques?

None of that holds a candle to a sure fire faith they can come back to. 🖤

You can follow her journey on: Facebook and Instagram

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