
Boy, 4, Dials 111, Invites Police To See His Toys.

The post of the Southern District police attracted the attention of many people on Facebook. The police posted the audio of the call of a cute 4-year-old boy and ended their post with a picture of the happy boy sitting on the bonnet of a police car, wearing a police cap on his head.

This small boy dialed 111 by mistake. When police attended his call, he went on to invite the police to visit him to see his toys. The police took him up on the offer.

When the police officer attended the call and asked where the emergency was, there was a pause before the boy says “hi” and then “police lady”.

“Can I tell you something,” he says. “I’ve got some toys for you.”

“You’ve got some toys for me?” Says the operator. “Yep. Come over and see them,” the boy says.

During that conversation, a man at the boy’s house took the phone from the boy and confirmed to the operator that the boy made a mistake calling the emergency number. The man said that the boy’s mother was sick. While that man was focusing on another child, the other boy snuck out.

After the call, police communications asked if there was any unit available to visit the boy as he wanted to show police his toys. The police Constable known as Kurt visited the boy’s house and was amazed to see all the toys, the boy had. He said that those toys were cool.

Child calls 111

While we don’t encourage children to call 111 to show us their toys, this was too cute not to share 🧸 🤖 Constable Kurt from Southern District Police responded by arriving at the child’s house and was shown an array of toys. He also had a good educational chat with the child and his parents about only using 111 for emergencies 🚨

Posted by New Zealand Police on Thursday, 14 October 2021

An officer identified as Constable Kurt visited the house, and confirmed the boy did indeed have cool toys. Constable Kurt put his car light on for the boy to see.

The Facebook post noted that he also had “a good educational chat with the child and his parents about only using 111 for emergencies”.

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