Source: Reddit
I (25F) work in event planning so I always get invites or tickets to go high end events. There was a huge event coming up that I was really excited to go to! I asked my boyfriend (27) 3 days before the event to accompany me, and he said yes. So originally, the plan was my boyfriend, my step sister, and myself.
On the day of the event, he said he had a doctor’s appointment, so he isn’t sure if he can still attend. I said no problem, and I waited for him to return home. A couple hours later he texted me and said he had something to tell me. I got worried and called him immediately. I asked if everything was okay, and he said he was diagnosed with anemia, so he’ll have to take supplements.
I expressed how sorry I was and spoke to him for about 2 hours, gave him pep talks, told him I’m here if he needs me, reassured him that I will always love him, etc. I then asked if he would still like to attend the event with me to take his mind off of things, to which he responded that he doesn’t like the artists performing so he’d rather go to another event. I said, No problem; I will go with my stepsister alone. He got upset and hung up.
I called him back but he started an argument about how I’m selfish for going out while he’s going through something. I told him that I already made the plans with my stepsister, and I couldn’t back out now as she was depending on me. I also don’t drink, so I would have been the sober driver, and if I didn’t go, she couldn’t.
I told him that this event is the only event my sister really wanted to attend and I promised her that I would take her months prior. I even told him I’d see him the next day, and he said to be safe and hung up.
I got to the event around 11 and spent the entire event alone, just sitting down and watching the show by myself while having food and drinks. When I returned home around 2 a.m., I called him, and he was awake playing video games.
His first words were “look who cares about me again” I said “I’m too tired for this” and he responded by saying that of course I’m tired – I went out without him knowing he’s upset but I love partying and meeting new people so much that I didn’t think to
stay with him on the phone. I told him he was being ridiculous, and I would have stayed if it were just us who planned to go. He said my priorities are off and I’m an ignorant AH.
Keep in mind, I don’t attend parties unless it’s with my family, and I only attend events a few times a year.
So, did I make a mistake by not staying on the phone with him and instead attending the event?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: