
Child Born With Only One Lung and a 20% Chance of Survival, Goes Home After Successful Surgery

Joshua and Karla Valliere greeted their twin daughters, Charlotte and Olivia, on December 2021. The identical twins were hale and hearty at the time of birth. Charlotte, though, was admitted to a hospital in January with breathing difficulties and a lung infection. 

Their parents were originally uncertain of what was wrong. Charlotte was born with single lung, but she was well and had no problems and Olivia was also in good health. Their mom, Karla said that Charlotte’s one lung grew like 1.5 sizes, so it was recompensing for the absence of the second one. So, medics did all the check-ups. Karla said that Charlotte was absolutely okay, so they were allowed to go home after four days in the hospice.

Charlotte spent nearly all of her initial life away from her parents and twin sister at a hospice in California. But few days back, she was ultimately cleared from the hospice after having a tough operation.

Medics had told Karla that Charlotte had a 20% probability of surviving the surgical procedure. But the brave little girl defeats the odds to unite with her twin and coming back home after a six-month stay at a San Diego hospital. 

In addition to having respirational difficulties, Charlotte was born premature. She wouldn’t be able to get surgical treatment till she was little grown-up.

As per Dr. Matthew Brigger, Charlotte’s combination of illnesses is rare. He said that they knew that the little girl had a life-threatening airway that if whatever were to progress, attempting to keep her intubated, that was going to possibly harm the airway and can create more trouble in restoring it.

In spite of having less chance of surviving, Charlotte’s operation went well and she sailed through surgery without giving any mark of weakness.

The brave little girl was ultimately out from the hospital on August 1 after almost 6-months and her family was there to celebrate and take her home. The medic said that he doesn’t think Charlotte will ever need an additional lung and that she be capable enough to live a healthy life.

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