Due to a highly unusual condition, twins Eva and Erika Sandoval spent the most of their childhood in the hospital. The kids were born conjoined in addition to being twins.
Conjoined twin syndrome is an uncommon ailment with a poor survival probability, and the girls’ existence is a miracle. The girls are now separated and as joyful as can be after a lengthy operation in 2016 and a lot of physical rehabilitation.
Eva and Erika have the most treasured ties of any set of siblings. In August, the couple celebrated their sixth birthday.
Since separating the twins at birth would have been life-threatening, they stayed conjoined until they were two years old. As a consequence, the twins spent the most of their lives in the hospital, as per their Facebook page’s ‘About’ section. When the twins reached three, they eventually celebrated their respective birthdays.
When Eva and Erika’s parents learned about their conjoined kids, they were distraught and braced for the worst. Such twins are highly unusual and have a dismal survival rate. Almost half of all conjoined twins are stillborn, and many more die within a day after birth.
The twins’ parents contacted an eminent surgeon at Lucile Packard Stanford Children’s Hospital in California immediately after their delivery. Dr. Gary Hartman has conducted six separation operations, so he was more than equipped to handle their issue.
Dr. Hartman made certain to inform the parents of the surgery’s result before continuing. He said that even if the twins could be separated, their quality of life would suffer as a result.
The twins were born in 2014 and spent the first seven months of their lives in the hospital. Their health started to deteriorate at the age of two, and they needed surgery to live. The operation was a long process that lasted 17 hours.
Three months following their operation, the girls were discharged and started physical therapy. They couldn’t walk on their own and had to rely on wheelchairs or strollers since they were so fragile. Both kids had one leg amputated as a result of the procedure, necessitating the usage of prosthetic legs.
The kids are now in kindergarten and have adjusted to utilising walkers and artificial legs to go about, according to Stanford Children’s Hospital. Their physicians hope that someday they will be able to utilize walking sticks rather than walkers for assistance and balance.
Erika, according to their mom, has learned to adapt to her prosthetic limb. Since their childhood in the hospital, the kids have gone a long way.
One couldn’t tell they had any medical problems just by looking at them. They, like any other kid, like playing with Barbie dolls, finger puppets, and kinetic sand. Their mom stated that they are also quite chatty and have a habit of using large words in ordinary talks.
The twins like looking over old images of themselves. Because they have no recollection of what it was like to be conjoined, they find it intriguing that this might have occurred to them. The twins may hope to live long and happy lives with the aid of physical therapy and the care of their physicians.