
Dad Fights For Daughter After Mom Puts Her Up For Adoption Without His Permission.

Visualize the stress and anguish felt by a father who loses her daughter’s custody without any of his mistake.

The South Carolina father, Christopher Emanuel lost the custody of his daughter, Skylar, not because of negligence, cruelty or any other legal finding but instead because the mother put her up for adoption without his approval.

But Christopher decided to fight for his daughter and his right to raise her.

Christopher said that he always wanted to be a great father. But after Skylar’s mother put her up for adoption, his ability to do that came into question. He was losing the person that made him a father.

When this first occurred, Christopher didn’t know of the difficulties that lay ahead. He was totally lost, hurt and confused because he always wanted to ensure that he could be there for his child.

Christopher later on said that he did not know that if he would ever see Skylar again.

As luck would have it, the custody problem came about after Christopher filed to be a part of South Carolina’s Responsible Father Registry. He noted himself as Skylar’s father. While Skylar was in her mother’s custody, Christopher would be informed of things such as adoption.

Once he tried to adopt his daughter, Christopher was in some way not listed in the registry and his fatherly rights had been dismissed without his knowing.

Several months passed along with many days in court. After a year, the proud father was lastly able to come together with his baby girl. Christopher has since used this suffering as a learning example and now endeavours to inform other fathers on the adoption method.

Hopefully others will not face the same difficulties as Christopher did and he is providing a means so that these men will be well prepared than he was when he first entered the courtroom.

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