Source: Reddit
For context, my parents had a very bitter, nasty split and my dad made life very difficult for a number of years before the court system allowed us to move to another country.
I (F/29) am getting married in a few months. My fiancé and I decided together that the most appropriate thing would be for my mum to walk me down the aisle as she raised me mostly alone, and is paying for our entire wedding.
My dad has not offered anything, financial or otherwise. (While it isn’t about money, it’s the sentiment).
Not long after we got engaged my step mother had contacted me to ask if they could stay at our home during the time surrounding the wedding, (we will be travelling away for the weekend while the wedding is on, but they want to stay at our place for the remainder of their visit). At that time I said yes without really thinking it through.
They have since had a trip over to stay with us for two weeks which did not go well at all. After making us get rid of our dog for the duration of the trip, they were extremely entitled and expected us to be a taxi service for them. My dad made a lot of condescending comments, and gaslit us about a lot of things, (for example telling us we weren’t watching our daughter (18 m) after she went to sip from a beer bottle that he had left within her reach.)
We also organised a night out with our bridal party for them to meet some people ahead of the wedding. Again they were rude, barely engaged, and my dad refused to eat the pasta dishes as “they are for peasants”.
After the whole experience, my fiancé and I decided we didn’t want them staying with us surrounding the wedding as it will already be a stressful time.
After barely speaking to him over the holidays, we spoke yesterday where he said “I can’t wait to walk you down the aisle”. I promptly changed the subject and ended the call. Now my fiancée and I are planning to speak to him together this weekend to let him know that he is invited as a guest and in that capacity only. And to be very clear about his role on the day. We also need to let them know we would appreciate them finding alternate accommodation.
I should point out that the wedding is still 4.5 months away.
I need some advice on if I’m wrong ?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: