Weddings may be costly. Many people will need to save a lot of money to make such an event possible, while others’ families will contribute. One woman in this story claimed that her parents had always promised to pay for her wedding. When it came to the actual thing and budgeting, she couldn’t get a straight response from her parents. Read the story and share your thoughts on this.
Source: Reddit
I’m recently engaged and I’ve started planning my wedding. I’m the only girl and my parents make good money (about 450k yearly) so they’ve always said they’d pay for my wedding when I decide to get married.
I set my budget around $25k and started getting estimates on the venue, photographer, videographer, etc. My dad said the budget was $40k (which I knew I’d be way below) so I wouldn’t have to stress about DIY-ing the whole thing and enjoy the planning process.
My mom has also gotten estimates of how much her friends paid for their daughters’ weddings (all of which were over $25k) and agreed they could swing that financially. The kicker here is after those two estimates were thrown out, my parents backtracked and gave me a final wedding budget of $20k,
Another issue I have is they have no problem buying baseball tickets for $200 piece and spending $100+ on dinner multiple nights a week. They also just bought one of my younger brothers a car (he’s in his junior year of college).
“I’d rather elope than dance around a wedding budget and not enjoy my day.
She’s pretty much refusing to let me elope and when I told her to plan the wedding herself because she’s being so picky, she had a problem with that too. I feel as if there’s no winning in this situation. Quite frankly I just want to be married to the man I love instead of arguing over the wedding budget with my parents.
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: