Despite your husband’s refusal to take Riley to the doctor, you went behind his back and scheduled an appointment, which resulted in the doctor’s concern and an upcoming blood test.
Source: Reddit
I (25F) live with my husband (29M) and my stepson (7M). My husband has full custody of my stepson Riley.
Riley has always been a late bloomer. When I started dating my husband, Riley was 5 and he still took naps even though most children grow out of them by then. When he turned six, he stopped needing naps during the day except when he was sick or did a lot of physical activity. Riley also has ADHD (so do I) so I know the hyperactivity can tire children out sometimes.
A few weeks ago, Riley started taking naps again for around an hour a day. He also began falling asleep on car rides. The length of time he napped kept increasing and he now naps for 3 hours a day, meaning that he’s asleep for 13-14 hours a day. I usually pick him up from school, and his teacher tells me that he’s exhausted and yawning the whole day. I became extremely concerned and I told my husband that Riley needed to see a doctor but he didn’t think it was serious. He thought that Riley was sleeping more because he was growing but I was still worried.
I admittedly don’t know much about children as I’m the youngest on both sides of my family but I spoke to my parents, in-laws and searched online and they all said it was weird. My in-laws did mention that my husband slept a lot as a child but not to the extent that my stepson does. My husband still didn’t want to take Riley to see the doctor.
I decided to make an appointment for Riley anyway and he saw the doctor yesterday. The doctor was very concerned and he arranged a blood test for next week, and he also gave me a list of foods to cook for Riley to improve his energy levels. When I told my husband, he was pissed off that I had gone behind his back about his son’s healthcare. He wants me to apologise but I believe I was acting in Riley’s best interest. Most people I’ve spoken to have said that I was wrong because Riley isn’t my son but I would like your opinion…
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: