
Girl abandoned by parents for her looks wants to prove the world wrong – now she models for Vogue

Having your parents around during your upbringing provides you a sense of security.

If you are compelled to grow up without parental supervision or knowing your parents abandoned you, you may develop feelings of hatred toward your parents.

Xueli Abbing, a 16-year-old Chinese girl, was dumped by her parents at birth. She was abandoned at the entrance of an orphanage, and her parents’ identities were unknown.

The orphanage personnel named her; the ‘Xue’ in her implies snow, and the ‘Li’ means lovely. Since she was born with albinism, she was given this name.

Albinism is a hereditary disorder that causes a person’s skin, hair, and eyes to be pale due to a lack of pigment melanin.

She was adopted by a Dutch family that offered her a loving home. She was 11 years old when she was approached to pose for a designer in Hong Kong for a shoot in which he intended to showcase diverse types of beauty.

She named the ad ‘perfect imperfections,’ and asked if she desired to participate in her fashion show in Hong Kong, Abbing expressed. It was an incredible experience, she continued.

Individuals with albinism face discrimination in many regions of the world. They are even ‘chased’ in some cases due to the mistaken assumption that their bones have therapeutic powers. She is glad she was merely abandoned, stated Abbing.

Models with albinism are sometimes employed as props to portray angels or ghosts, which Abbing describes as “awful.”

However, Abbing was fortunate to collaborate with a London-based photographer who addressed her like any model should be addressed. The end result was an amazing photoshoot. One of the photographs was even purchased by Vogue Italia for their June 2019 edition.

At the time, she had no idea what an important publication it was, and it took her a long time to understand why everyone was so thrilled about it, she remembers.

Being a model has its own set of challenges for Abbing. She has 8 to 10% vision, so gazing straight at camera lights hurts her. But she still desires to portray those who aren’t typically gorgeous, and that motivates her.

There are still models that are like eight foot two and slim, she remarked in the interview, yet today individuals with impairments or differences are highlighted more in the media, which is fantastic but it should be normal.

Perhaps since she can’t see things well, she concentrates more on people’s voices and what they have to say. As a result, their inner beauty is more significant to her, she explains.

She aspires to make an impact on the world by teaching others about her illness. She wants to utilize modeling to raise awareness about albinism and show that it is a hereditary illness, not a burden, she explains. It’s better to say ‘a person with albinism,’ since being an albino sounds as though it determines who one is.

We wish Xueli Abbing all the best in her endeavor. We are confident that she will motivate and enlighten countless people all across the world.

Share her story with your loved ones to encourage them.

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