Source: Reddit
I’m the youngest cousin 22F in the family by a lot ( I was a surprise/mistake) All of my older cousins have kids.
Every Thanksgiving we go to my aunt’s house. My cousins put their kids in the playroom and start drinking and I get stuck watching the kids all day. Anytime one cries or has to go for the bathroom or any of them fight I get stuck dealing with it. They also make me sit at the kids table.
I complain to my mom every year and she just tells me it’s not like that and is it a big deal to give the parents the day off. I don’t look forward to Thanksgiving anymore because it happens every year.
My boyfriend invited me to his family Thanksgiving this year and I decided to go. I told my mom and she is flipping out telling me it will break her heart to not have me there for thanksgiving and everyone will miss me. I just want to enjoy Thanksgiving this year.
Am I Overreacting?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: