Every couple has their ups and downs. Here in this story a wife requested him just one thing not to do at their reception party. However, just the opposite happened. Read the story and let us know whether you think the wife is overreacting. What must she do?
Source: Reddit
My (33F) husband (30M) and I got married last week. I had been super chill throughout the whole wedding planning, and during the actual event. Because I know sh*t happens and if anything goes wrong, or not exactly how we wanted, it’s not that big of a deal and may even make the wedding more memorable for the guests.

The one thing that I told my husband I didn’t want to happen was I didn’t want him smashing cake in my face. I had a suspicion that he would find it funny to do it, so during the planning, I flat out told him not to do it. I don’t think it’s funny, I don’t want to mess up my makeup that took hours to apply, and I don’t want cake on my expensive wedding dress. I told him I would be livid if he did it. He promised that he wouldn’t.
Well, come the cake cutting time, what did he do? Smashed the cake in my face! It got on my dress, and messed up my makeup, just like I knew it would. I’m pretty sure his friends convinced him to do it, not that that makes it any better. I kept it together, went and cleaned myself up, and put on a smile for the rest of the reception.
But afterwards, I let loose on him. I yelled at him that this was the ONE THING I asked him not to do, and he promised that he wouldn’t. He told me I was being dramatic, that it’s not a big deal, and we should just be enjoying our time as newlyweds. So was I being overly dramatic? Am I A Jerk ?
What would you do in her situation? Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: