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Homeless Man Asks What He Can Buy With $0.50 At Burger King, Employee’s Response Stuns Everyone.

Michelle Resendez of San Antonio, Texas couldn’t be prouder of her son Mathew who works at Burger King. The other day a customer shyingly asks Mathew who was working the counters, whether the man could get something to eat for 50 cents because that’s all he had.

Mathew whispered back to this man and asked him that if money was not an issue what would he have ordered. The man replied, anything to get rid of his hunger pains. Mathew rang up the register and paid for the meal using his own debit card and asked the man to have a seat and that his meal was on its way.

This quiet hush hush conversation was overheard by the next customer in line, who later on wrote to Mathew’s employer appreciating this young kid’s generosity and also gave a 100 dollar tip with the letter.

Mathew’s mom was so proud of her son, she took a picture of Mathew with the 100 dollar tip and posted the story on Facebook.

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