A bride wishes to be the center of attention on her wedding day. But what if the emphasis shifts away from the bride and onto someone else? What do you think the bride’s reaction would be? Here’s the story of how the bride felt at her wedding because of her sister-in-law. Read the story and do you agree with the wife’s reaction during the family dinner.
Source: Reddit
I (30F) recently got married to Matt (30). Matt has a stepsister, Tiffany (28F). I have met her less than 10 times in the five years I dated Matt as she doesn’t live nearby and is not close to my husband. However, she was invited to our wedding.
I should mention that Tiffany is very attractive. She is pretty, with a currently fashionable body type, she also dresses well and spends money on her appearance. This is well known and even though I’ve only met her a few times whenever she is brought up by my in laws she always mentioned as being very invested in her image. I don’t begrudge her this at all.
The ceremony went fine, but afterwards, while my in-laws were congratulating me, my FIL commented that I looked beautiful, and in the next breath mentioned Tiffany did, too. His wife caught his eye and shook her head, but I ignored it. When Tiffany came over to say congratulations, she looked stunning. Her dress was beautiful and fitted her perfectly, her hair and make up looked like they’d been done professionally, and she was wearing a pair of obviously designer shoes.
Her outfit was totally appropriate for the event, but I was still weirdly upset by how she looked and immediately felt self conscious next to her. Even Matt told her she looked great, and they rarely talk. For the rest of the night, every single male guest at the wedding asked about Tiffany, who she was, how I knew her, if she was single, etc. By the speeches, I was fed up and almost in tears, and even the best man mentioned her in his speech off the cuff. I let it go, went on my honeymoon, and tried to forget the whole thing.
We came back about a week ago, and this past weekend we had dinner with my in-laws. Tiffany was visiting, and we learned that she had got engaged. She showed us her comically large ring and said she was planning to have the wedding next year and that it would be a black tie event. Before I could stop myself, I jokingly said that I was pretty sure I’d already been to her wedding, I was the one in the white dress. She asked what I meant, and I thought there was no point in lying so I just admitted I felt she upstaged me at my wedding. She laughed and said you can’t upstage a bride. I asked if I could wear white to her wedding then and she shrugged and said ‘if you think it’ll help’. She then apologised if I felt her outfit was inappropriate. My in-laws moved the conversation on and we went on with dinner.
When we got home my husband blew up on me, saying I embarrassed him by being petty and jealous of Tiffany. He said he doesn’t even like her but even he knows she can’t do anything about what she looks like or the clothes she can afford, and I made myself look bitter and childish, and him by association. I admit it wasn’t my best moment, but I thought he would at least understand how I felt given that he heard everyone’s comments that night. He’s demanding I apologise to Tiffany and his parents but I don’t think I said anything that heinous. Am I A Jerk ? Did I over react?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: