Source: Facebook
Yesterday I woke up with 6 kids. We got home late from swimming and at 9:30 pm our phone rang. 3 kids needed a place to go.
Why would they call us? We already have SIX kids!
Well because social workers had been driving around for almost 4 hours trying to find somewhere for them to go. So at 11:00 pm – 2 of my favorite social workers – everyone exhausted- brought 3 precious kids to our house.
I woke up yesterday with 6 kids – and today I woke up with 9.
That sounds ludicrous doesn’t it?
But if not us… who?
We have 9 because there ARE NOT ENOUGH foster homes to house the kids who need them.
So side eye me at Wal-Mart if you may. But….
I dare anyone to say this is too much for us. Because it is.
I dare you to say someone else should – who?
I dare you to say that we should have told these kids “no.” How could we?
A friend reminded me today – Jesus himself was born in a barn because everyone said no there isn’t room.
I’ll make room.
Stepping off my soap box now….