The holiday season may be full of brightness, beauty, and warmth, and it should be spent with those you care about. However, getting into a large disagreement with your family and friends is one of the worst things that could occur during this time. It occurs all the time, sadly. Read the story to know what happened in this family and what do you think would be the right thing to do?
Source: Reddit
My parents are fighting me over hosting Xmas at my home, and not going to their house like I’ve done literally my whole life. My son is almost three, and every year so far we have dragged him to their house Xmas morning (they live 30 minutes away), then back to our house for his nap, and then to my in-laws for Xmas dinner (also 30 minutes from us). My parents and my in-laws lived in the same city, about 5 minutes from each other.
This year we decided we are not going to do this again. We are staying home for Xmas. Since both our parents are so close, we decided we would invite everyone over for Christmas dinner and they can watch our son (their only grandchild on both sides) open gifts and stuff. My in-laws are fine with this and happy to come.
My parents are giving me a tough time. Thanksgiving this year was held at my in-laws, which is not what we usually do.
All of this makes me question if I’m being unfair. Is it weird to have my parents and my in-laws spend the holidays together? Should I give in to my parents and go to their house Xmas morning again like they want us to? I gave the alternative of us going to their house on Xmas Eve to do gifts, or the day after Xmas and they aren’t very thrilled with that idea.
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: