Weddings are generally a celebration for two people. At the absolute least, this is an occasion that should be cherished for the rest of one’s life. However, not all seemed to agree. To begin, it is common for parents to force their preferences on newlyweds on the style of their wedding. Second, there are occasions when individuals seek to take the day. This story is about one of those folks in particular. Read the story to know what happened when planning a wedding and what would you do in such a situation.
Source: Reddit
Update: I’ve eloped a week earlier because my parents and my sister’s bf were planning a surprise engagement on my wedding day.
I must start with saying that I really tried my best to negotiate and compromise with my family and truly explain that this was hurting me. I have nothing against my sister and nothing against her getting engaged in my wedding but the principle that it was made very clear to me that I had absolutely no opinion or say in what was going to happen on what supposed to be my special day was where I drew the line. It wasn’t a wish or a request. It was a matter of fact and it was decided.
So I told my mom that I’m NOT going to attend the party she’s paid for. Maybe they should just make it an engagement party instead. She got very upset and told me that the engagement was supposed to be a surprise. I told her that I was just giving her the heads up since she’s about to lose an insane amount of money. She didn’t take me seriously, like I wasn’t going to cancel my wedding because of a trivial thing. What she didn’t know is that I’ve already made plans to get married a week earlier at my grandparents in law. We invited our closest friends and some even had to book earlier flights and take more vacation days, for these people I was extra grateful.
What was left was my sister. I’d been back and forth arguing and negotiating with my parents and FBIL. I decided that even if this would ruin her surprise, I had to tell her so I did. She wasn’t really happy with my mom but she was more upset that I ruined her surprise and she, as I expected, thought I could’ve just sucked it up and gone with the flow. I didn’t tell her about my new wedding date.
The wedding was dreamlike! In the back of my head I was hurt. The people who “loved” me the most weren’t there but I pushed that thought away and refused to let it ruin our day. My husband was amazing. He promised to make me happy for the rest of my life and to make up for every heartbreak I’ve experienced in my past. My in-laws surprised us with upgrading our honeymoon to a 5 star hotel. I had my friends and some cousins and my favorite aunt attending. We asked them not to livestream or upload any pictures to SM until we’re already on our honeymoon. We also asked them not to engage in any altercations online with my family.
Today my mom made long fb/twitter/instagram posts bashing me and my husband. Calling me ungrateful and disrespectful with pictures of my wedding. Telling people I’ve cost her a big chunk of her savings and she’s now demanding compensation. Her fb post was shared about 200 times and the majority of my extended family is angry with me. She never once tried to contact me(I really thought she would bombard my phone) instead both her and my dad announced that they’re cutting me off and are expecting compensation. FBIL commented that I ruined his surprise and my sister made a post about being tired of jealous b’s and haters. None of the people we invited has commented even tho some of them were directly attacked, so they respected our wishes.
I don’t know if they’re going to go ahead and turn the wedding into an engagement party now. I really hope they do so the money isn’t wasted. It’s on Saturday.
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: