When you board an airplane, you never know what to expect. If you’re flying a lengthy journey, you might want to reserve your seat ahead of time to ensure your comfort. Read this story to know what happened between the two passengers who were flying and let us know what you would have done.
Source: Reddit
I was on a pretty long flight and I had the window seat. Idk if it’s important but I had taken some edibles for the flight. Next to me is a mother and her child(2/3y).
The first incident happened, when the mom asked if I would trade seats so her child could look out. I declined and said I would rather sit in the seat I paid for and then I proceeded to put in my AirPods and started to watch some New girl and I could hear the child cry and be upset that I wouldn’t.
A few hours later, I was playing a game on my phone and the child was very focused on it, but then as everyone here probably knows you get tired of mobile games, so I turned it off. The mom asked if I wouldn’t mind keep playing as it was entertaining her son.
I said no and as soon as I did that the child starting crying and trying to grab my phone, I just simply raised my hand so the child couldn’t reach, so I said in a louder tone, “please control your child” which made the mom grab the boy and freak out at me and her screaming at me that I shouldn’t be such a Jerk and only think about me. Does she have a valid point or not? I need some advice on if I’m wrong.
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: