Source: Reddit
I had to lay off my entire staff (and myself) with 8 hours notice.
I was the contract project manager on a government project (office type work). At our periodic review on a Thursday, the government announced they would not be renewing our contract and our last day was Friday (the next day).
I brought everyone into the conference room first thing the next day, let everyone know that we were all out of a job and that today was everyone’s last day. I had everyone email me their resumes, and we went over everyone’s on the conference room projector and updated them over the course of the day. I then printed out “reference” sheets for everyone, and we all spent the remainder of the day writing letters of recommendation for each other. I ordered everyone pizza, and bought everyone a round of drinks at the bar next door. Most folks had jobs by the end of the next week.

The difference between being positive and being negative is simple. Negativity, is when you start assuming that things will go wrong even before they do. Positivity, is when you remain calm when things go wrong… knowing well that there is a solution lurking around somewhere, just waiting to be found.