We all find that somebody attractive and experience butterflies in our stomach when we see that person. But what if you develop such feelings for someone else and not your husband? Read the article to find out how this woman thinks about her friend’s spouse, and what you think she should do about it?
Source: Reddit
About three years ago I met this incredible woman (let’s call her Amy) as our children are the same age and go to the same kindergarten. We instantly hit it off and became very close. She’s incredibly kind, smart, hilarious and an amazing friend, mother and wife. We spend a great deal of time together and see each other at least twice a week because we live close to each other – we often go for drinks or to restaurants, shopping, the movies and arrange playdates for our kids. I really enjoy spending time with her and her family and I feel so lucky to have met her.
Amy is married to Jake (let’s call him that), who is also pretty amazing. On top of that, he is incredibly handsome, which all of her friends are aware of. He is very tall, has a great body, confident, assertive and very eloquent and charismatic, just the perfect man. I felt an instant attraction when I met him and it has been intensifying ever since. I was able to keep it under control for a while, but the last six months things have escalated.
My husband (35M) and I went on a holiday with Amy and Jake and our kids where I got to spend a lot of one on one time with Jake. Jake and I always had a nice dynamic and would have fun whenever we would get together, but I was primarily Amy’s friend and he was her husband, so we were never really that close. However, during our holiday, Jake really opened up to me and told me some very intimate things about his childhood and about his doubts, fears and hopes for the future and I found myself opening up a lot as well. I felt like we really connected on a deeper level during those three weeks and there were some sparks too. At one point, we were getting ready to go to the pool and we were alone in the hotel room and he offered to put sunscreen on me and I reluctantly agreed.
He pushed my hair to the side and his face was so close to the back of my neck that I could feel his breath and we just stood like that for a few moments before he told me in a very soft voice that I smell so good. There were a few more moments where he would touch me or rub my arms or back or wrap his arm around me, none of which he normally did back home. Then, one night, neither of us could sleep after getting drunk with our spouses (while Amy and my husband passed out) so we walked down to the beach that was right in front of our hotel and stayed up all night talking and cuddling (I was lying on his chest and he was playing with my hair). When we went back to the hotel, there was a moment where it felt like something could happen, but we just said good night.
Ever since then things have entered quite dangerous territory. He has been insisting on us hanging out together alone, he constantly compliments me and gives me the flirty eyes whenever all four of us hang out together and he has been quite heavy with the sexual innuendos and jokes. He has such a devilish naughty smile and I get all jittery whenever he smiles at me or one of my jokes. Then one time, the topic of size came up with Amy and some of our other female friends and Amy bragged about Jake being hung like a horse. I got so turned on that I fantasized about him for days and days after that…
The thing is, I love my husband and he is my favorite person ever and I would never do anything to hurt him. I’m still very much attracted to my husband as well and our sex life is pretty healthy. In fact, we have sex 4-5 times a week (some weeks even every day) so that’s not the issue at all. Additionally, I would never want to hurt her either, but whenever I’m around Jake, my heart beats so fast and I get these butterflies in my stomach and I feel completely electric. I’ve never felt this kind of attraction towards a man in my life and I want him so, so bad.
I don’t know what to do and I needed a place to get this off my chest. I feel so terrible writing all of this, but I am just completely infatuated with this man.
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: