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Michigan Teen’s Warning Goes Viral After She Finds Flannel Shirt On Windshield (Video).

A Michigan teen is warning others about a possible kidnapping plan after finding a flannel shirt on the windshield of her car. She understood it was most likely placed there for a malicious cause.

Ashley Hardacre was driving away from her work at a mall in Flint, Michigan, when she discovered a flannel shirt twisted among her windshield wipers. The 19-year-old became concerned when she saw two cars lurking near her automobile.

She went to her vehicle and instantly locked the doors behind her, like she usually does, and found a blue flannel shirt on her windshield, as Ashley posted on Facebook. There were two vehicles nearby, one of which was running, so she instantly felt concerned and realized she couldn’t get out to get it off, she said.

She initially assumed it had been thrown on her vehicle for some strange reason, she added, adding that she tried to remove it with her windshield wipers, but the shirt was completely wrapped around her wiper blade.

She’d read postings recently about individuals discovering stuff under their windshield wipers in the Burton/Flint region in an effort to get females out of their vehicles and distracted, Ashley said. She knew better than to take off the shirt when cars were all around her, so she pulled over to a safe place, rolled down her window, and quickly took off the shirt, she said.

She is not sure why the shirt was on her vehicle, but the manner in which it was placed there had to be purposeful, she added. She can’t think of another reason why somebody would put that on her vehicle. The Michigan kid then stated that she is so grateful her parents alerted her that it was occurring in the region; she just never imagined it would possibly occur to her vehicle.

Ashley Hardacre’s article quickly went viral, gaining over 100,000 views and attracting the attention of local authorities, who were baffled by the occurrence. This is unprecedented, Flint Township Police Detective Sergeant Brad Wangler said. Nothing like this has ever happened before.

However, Ashley believes that her story will increase awareness about the possible abduction strategy. She said that it’s something one never anticipates occurring to them or for someone to want to hurt them in any way, but she was just so surprised.

The 19-year-old remarked that she wants other individuals to be aware that it is something that can occur to them. Luckily, someone took the time to inform Ashley of this; otherwise, her tale may have ended very differently.

Please share this article to get the word out about this method of kidnapping young girls who have done nothing wrong. You never know, you could just save someone’s life—knowing about it might have saved Ashley’s, and happily, she’s here to warn others as she realized the possible risk before it was too late and clearly knew what to do.

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