Weddings are fun and at the same time stressful. Every wedding the bride and groom have certain conditions that they would want for their wedding. For instance, theme wedding, colour-coordinate outfits or childfree wedding. Read the story to know what happened during the wedding and let us know if you agree with the couple’s decision.
Source: Reddit
I had my wedding last weekend. It was a small wedding at a small venue that has a strict capacity due to fire codes. One of my guests showed up with her 2 children, who were not invited, not in the RSVP, and obviously not in the seating chart. She came in, decided to seat them at her table, taking away the spots of my other guests who were actually invited.
A small commotion broke out when she refused to give those seats back, and the venue manager noticed and said that we’d be charged a fine for exceeding capacity, as stated in the contract.
When I got the bill, I sent it to her and asked that she pays for it. She claimed that it is not her fault, and that I should have factored in unforeseen charges when budgeting for my wedding. And she couldn’t find a babysitter, so she had no choice, and that I should be grateful she took the effort to attend my wedding anyway. Did I go too far here?
“She claimed that it is not her fault, and that I should have factored in unforeseen charges when budgeting for my wedding”
How would you react after hearing such accusations? Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: