Children are the most beautiful gift from God. It’s the duty of parents to love, care and protect them. As parents you can either make the world a safe place for your children or you can strive to make the world a safe place for children.
Vallejo police arrested a young mother after her 3-month-old infant was left alone in a hot car while she got her nails done, according to officials.
Officers discovered the three-month-old in a car seat in the backseat of a vehicle with all four windows pulled down when they arrived. The weather in Vallejo was over 80 degrees at the time, with the temperature inside the automobile estimating somewhat higher.
According to police, a number of good Samaritans encircled the car, jumping in to save the infant and reporting what they saw to the cops.
Selena Cook, a 19-year-old Vallejo native, was instantly recognised as the infant’s mother when police investigated local shops in the retail mall where the car was parked. She was discovered in a shopping centre nail salon, where she said she was getting her nails done.

The infant was left unsupervised in the vehicle for at least 30-45 minutes, according to police. Cook was detained on suspicion of endangering children. Before being turned over to Child Protective Services, the infant was sent to a local hospital for medical assessment.
In the announcement, Vallejo Police Chief Shawny K. Williams stated that one of the most fundamental obligations as parents is to protect and care for their children above and beyond their personal needs. As a parent, it was terribly upsetting to learn that a 3 month old was left unsupervised and defenceless in a hot car.
Williams went on to express gratitude to the good Samaritans who intervened and reported the event to the authorities.
Chief Willaims expressed, “As a community, we must continually rally around protecting our children.”
Vallejo police noticed that leaving a child unattended in a vehicle is unlawful, places a youngster in extraordinary peril of mischief or passing and can prompt lawbreaker allegations, as it did in this occurrence. State regulation restricts “a parent, legitimate guardian or other individual liable for a 6 youngster years old or more youthful” to be left unattended in a vehicle without dynamic oversight of an individual somewhere around 12 years old or more established.
As parents it’s their responsibility to make sure the child is safe. Hope this story gently reminds the parents of a very important lesson that nothing is more important than your child and its safety.