
Mom Shares Update About Son’s Horrific Diagnosis On Social Media.

Oliver Durling, a Canadian kid, was diagnosed with a rare condition as well as measles.

Natasha Durling, Oliver’s mom, published his experience on social media, revealing how physicians were stumped for five days before determining the diagnosis.

Oliver’s symptoms started with vomiting and diarrhea, and then progressed to overall weakness, red eyes, a high temperature, and painful muscles.

Oliver’s health had deteriorated on the fourth day. He’d given up eating and drinking and refused to get up. His cheeks and neck developed a rash.

He was isolated after being taken to the hospital with the suspicion of having measles. His vaccines, though, were up to date, and he did not exhibit the white patches on his lips that are common when measles is present. His rash was also uncharacteristic of the condition.

Despite his high temperature, rash, dehydration, and being in severe misery, he was released to go home, and she was told to give him Tylenol and Benadryl and to bring him back if he gets worse, Natasha wrote.

Oliver was covered from head to toe in the worst rash she had ever seen the next day. His fever persisted despite medicine, and his swollen lips began to break and bleed, she added.

So they returned to the hospital, where he was confined for a potential case of measles. Doctors ruled out measles since he had been immunized against it and blamed his symptoms on a virus.

Oliver “starts to panic, saying that he can’t see and that he’s blind, then becomes totally rigid, shakes, and drops in his mom’s arms while delivering a urine sample, she said. At this moment, the nurse pulls him from her, and the mom grabs his IV pole and sprints to the ICU, where physicians and nurses are attempting to find out what the heck is wrong with him.

Doctors eventually come up with a diagnosis: Kawasaki illness.

The Mayo Clinic describes the unusual condition as follows: Kawasaki illness produces inflammation in the walls of the body’s medium-sized arteries. It is mostly a problem for youngsters. The coronary arteries, which feed blood to the heart muscle, are often affected by inflammation. Kawasaki illness is also known as mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome since it affects the lymph nodes, skin, and mucous membranes within the mouth, nose, and throat. Kawasaki illness symptoms, such as a high temperature and peeling skin, may be scary. The good news is that Kawasaki illness is frequently curable, and most kids heal without major complications.

Oliver was brought to the hospital after his diagnosis for a battery of tests, which his mother subsequently recalled.

He receives blood infusions and screams in anguish all night from inflamed blood, stomach aches, and inflamed joints, and he vomits multiple times, she wrote. His condition, though, quickly improved. The following morning, his rash was gone, and he felt much better!

But, when the results of his urine sample were returned, it was discovered that he had measles after all.

According to Natasha, he was confined once again since he was the only known patient who had measles and Kawasaki disease at the same time despite having up-to-date immunizations.

She wrote when he was released from quarantine that, finally, he is no longer infectious and is doing much better! She refused to go home again today because she wanted to see whether his blood work and other tests were normal before they went anywhere.

She came to the conclusion that she has a really strong and fearless little guy! She couldn’t be happier for him!

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