It is critical that kids feel comfortable approaching their parents for credible information. So, when this mother’s son inquired about the origins of newborns, she gave him a truthful, age-appropriate explanation. Read the story and do you think she did the right thing?
Source: Reddit
I have a 4.5 year old son, his father and I are divorced. I am pregnant with my boyfriend’s baby and I just told my son tonight that he’s going to be a big brother. My son asked how the baby will come out, so I told him one of two ways, either from the mother’s vagina or they have to cut the mommy’s belly open and take the baby out, sewing it back shut after. I said either way mommy will be fine. My son responded fine to it and just said “okay” and moved on.
When I told my boyfriend tonight that I was so happy that my son was so excited about being a big brother, I was mentioning what we talked about and I told him about the above discussion. Bf said he thought it was weird and inappropriate to give a child this information. I asked what he would have said and he said he would have placated him and gotten out of answering it.
I left the convo feeling upset that he had to pick on what I was doing as a mother, when I was trying to tell him how positive the whole thing was. He said that he doesn’t think it’s wrong to tell me his opinion and if I’d rather, he just won’t tell me his opinions. I feel it was insensitive and unnecessary to criticize me for just trying to give my son legitimate information. Am I Wrong?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: