Sibling bonds are unique and indeed beautiful. There is trust, confidence and faith that the siblings are there for each other. In this story the parents were shocked to find out their son’s attitude towards his siblings. Scroll down to read the whole story and share your thoughts on this.
Source: Reddit
I have 3 kids. A 15 year old son and 8 year old twin daughters. They all get along well and my son loves his sisters and vice versa.
Sometimes my husband and I have to go to certain events and I ask my son if he can watch his sisters for the night. He usually says yes unless he has plans (I just ask my mom then).
So on Friday night we had an event to go to and I again asked my son if he’d be willing to babysit. He said sure and that was it.
We came back at around midnight and I went to check on the kids and my son was fast asleep while one of the twins was puking her guts out and the other one was crying. I was surprised but I also didn’t really blame my son in any way. They weren’t really making any noise and were clearly asleep before all hell broke loose.
Well I manage to calm my girls down and they end up telling me how their big brother was really mean and grumpy all day and when they asked for food he gave them a jar of peanut butter. The twins cannot have peanut butter (they aren’t allergic but it makes them ill). The girls know as well but they were hungry and he said they HAD to eat it.
My son knows this and the peanut butter is kept out of the twins sight and reach and is literally only in the house for him.
I woke him up the next morning and asked him if all this was true. He just made a noise and was all like “the little snitches… yeah so they had a little peanut butter what’s the big deal?”
I told him that he knows they can’t have it and not only that but I also don’t like how they described his attitude. Especially when he told them they had to eat it.
He just told me to stop overthinking, he forgot peanut butter makes them that sick, he only said they had to eat it because he didn’t want them going hungry, he didn’t feel like ordering, cooking or warming up leftovers either and also the twins were being annoying.
I told him that these excuses are not good enough and that what he did was honestly kind of cruel. I told him that I don’t know if I can trust him with the girls anymore as well.
He just rolled his eyes and told me that I’m being really fu**ing dramatic and that the twins will be fine, I don’t need to act like this. He’s really upset with me and every time me or his dad says anything, he’ll just reply with “oh I thought I was cruel? I thought you couldn’t trust me?”
He’s not budging and he’s not normally like this so I’m wondering Am I A Jerk? My sister told me to post on here since I’m so conflicted. Didn’t think it would hurt. What should I Do?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: