
Mother Chastised For Housing Her Homeless Daughter With Her Husband.

Source: Reddit

This situation is complicated, and I’m at my wits’ end. I have two daughters who are civil to each other but don’t get along with each other. My eldest is married to Steve, while my youngest is engaged to Adam. Steve and Adam are so different that they disliked each other the first time they met.

Steve works part time because he treasures family time with my daughter. They spend their time traveling and exploring different parts of the United States. He spends freely because he often says he can’t take his money with him when he dies.

Adam is an executive, and for his side business, he owns several dozen properties. He works about 80 hours a week at both jobs because his philosophy is that he wants to make as much money as possible while he’s young so that he can retire early.

Steve thinks Adam is a corporate shill and basically blames him for everything that’s wrong with society. Steve said that Adam is actively keeping people from buying homes and making them dependent on him. Adam thinks Steve is a slacker and has told Steve that people like him who do the bare minimum but expect handouts are what’s wrong with society.

Neither of them is bad, and they treat my daughters well.

I retired last year due to my health, so Adam built a house for me so that I could live comfortably. I was able to customize everything in the house to fit my taste. Adam owns the house, pays for all of the utilities, and charges me $1 a month for rent. Part of our deal is that no one else can live in the house but me. He was very clear about this.

Steve recently lost his job, so he and my eldest are living off of her single income. As you can imagine, they are struggling. My eldest recently called me crying because their savings are almost gone and they can’t make next month’s rent. She asked if she and Steve could live with me until he found work elsewhere. I live on a fixed income, so I don’t have money to set them up in another apartment. She’s my daughter, and I couldn’t let her be homeless, so I let Steve and her move in. I gave them strict rules and a time limit on when they had to move out. I didn’t think my youngest and Adam would find out because they live in another state, but somehow she found out. She called and screamed at me last night for betraying Adam’s trust, but I argued that I’m a mother to 2 daughters, and I can’t let one be homeless. I told her about the rules and time limit and begged her not to tell Adam. She hung up on me, so I don’t know what’s going to happen.

I know I went back on an agreement, but I had a good reason.

I need some advice on whether I’m wrong?


I couldn’t add many details in my original post because I was afraid of going over the character limits.

Adam pays the taxes and utilities on this house, but because it’s the only house he has in this state, he keeps its financials separate from the rest of his properties. Also, he doesn’t really have anything to do with the house. Instead, he gave it over to my youngest to take care of, so she handles all of the bills and maintenance and pays them out of an account he set up. She noticed the increased utility cost, which is when she called.

We just spoke again, and I laid my soul bare to her. I knew I was going back on our agreement, but it was to keep her sister from being homeless. We had a lengthy conversation, and in the end, she agreed not to tell Adam. She’ll cover the increased utility costs out of her own pocket, so he won’t notice it. In exchange, her sister and Steve will have three months and then have to move out. I originally told them they had six months.

Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: 

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