
Mother Shares Heartfelt Moment With Her Autistic Son.

Story by Joseph J. Mazzella (Author)

It was the day after Thanksgiving. I wanted to take it easy and nap off the extra turkey I had eaten the day before, but my son wanted to put up the Christmas tree. To him the day after Thanksgiving always meant the beginning of Christmas. He had struggled with Autism all of his life and having a set schedule always made him feel more comfortable. I agreed then to get our tree and decorations out while he put on some of my Mom’s old Christmas records.

While the music played on our old record player I set up the tree and started to hang the ornaments on it. I hummed along to the songs as well but didn’t sing too loudly. I have always loved to sing but I don’t really have the voice for it. My singing always comes out soft, scratchy, raspy, and croaky so I am a bit afraid to sing around others. I usually limit my singing to when I am alone in the shower or driving in my car. When “Joy to the World” started to play, however, I couldn’t help myself. I joined in at full volume. I felt the power, beauty, love, and joy in that song and added my own voice to it the best I could. Suddenly, I could hear another voice joining in as well. It was my son singing along with the most peaceful and beautiful smile on his face. In that moment I felt the true spirit of Christmas flowing through the room. It was unbridled joy, unconditional love, and wonderful oneness with the Divine. I felt so happy that I made a vow then and there to never again be afraid to sing.

In this world our life is our song and we should never be afraid to sing. We should never be afraid to give our love. We should never be afraid to share our joy. We should never be afraid to live each day like it was Christmas. May the beauty of your soul always shine through your song. May the love of your spirit always live through your life. May all of your days here be a gift of joy to God and to everyone you meet.

Isn’t this a wonderful story? Pass it on to all your friends!!!!

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