
Next Door Pregnant Woman Knocked On The Door For This.

Source: Reddit

Around 7 pm today, I heard some knocking on my door. I opened it and it was my next door pregnant neighbor (she was, I think, in her 7th or 8th month). She was holding a small plate in her hand. In a very shy voice, she asked me if I can give her some of what ever I was cooking because she liked the smell. I think pregnant women sometimes have strong cravings and they can not resist it.

Anyway, She was shy and apologized a lot for her request since we don’t know each other. I laughed and told her it is ok :). I was cooking a traditional meal from my country and the recipe has olive oil, garlic, jalapeños and some spices. I think the smell was nice. I gave her some of my dinner then she left.

I Watched her walking home like a cute little penguin who’s happy with her successful little hunting 🙂 I felt really happy too for some reason.

Isn’t this a wonderful story? Pass it on to all your friends!!!!

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