
Old Man Thanked From The Bottom Of His Heart For Letting Him HELP.

Sherri Butcher’s father-in-law died recently. So she and her husband, Kevin, had to do some shopping to find some clothing to wear to his funeral. He picked out a tie and then he realized that he had no idea how to tie a tie. Neither did Sherri.

Kevin then noticed a kindly looking older gentleman and decided to take a chance. He walked up to him with the tie and asked if he could help him with it. Kevin and Sherri both thought the man would think they were crazy, but his reaction was quite the opposite.

He didn’t even hestitate after Kevin explained the reason they were getting the tie. He put it around his own neck and asked Kevin to bear with him because it had been awhile but he was definitely up for the challenge. After a few tries to get the length just right, he gently put it over Kevin’s neck and began to tie it. And he even thanked Kevin for allowing him to do it for him.

When he shook hands with Kevin afterwards, he pulled him close and hugged him, telling him that he was so sorry about him losing his dad. Then he looked at Sherri and said “You take good care of him.” And then he walked away.

Kevin and Sherri also walked away, with their heads down. They were trying real hard to hold back the tears. This older gentleman gave his time to help Kevin and he let them both know how much he cared. It was something neither Kevin nor Sherri had experienced before.

They didn’t get his name, but Sherri posted about the incident. She could not believe that he actually thanked Kevin for allowing him to help him. And she thanked him for all the encouragement he had given them, saying “God bless you, sir.”

Just wanted to share a special moment with our friends…. Today as Kevin and I were shopping for something to wear to…

Posted by Sherri Butcher on Monday, 23 September 2019
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