Personality characteristics, talents, likes and dislikes, our belief system and moral code, and the things that inspire us all lead to our distinct identity. However, one lady who has recently become a mother believes that others regard her purely as a parent. Read the story to know what happened with this new mother who was looking forward to her 30th birthday, and why it turned out to be a major letdown.
Source: Reddit
So I just had a baby a few months ago and a lot of people have been really generous with buying us baby clothes. I asked my family to stop because we have more than enough clothes. We also get hand me downs but some families insist on buying brand new stuff for us because they don’t want my baby wearing “just hand me downs”.
So it was my birthday a week ago and a few family members got me birthday gifts. One family member gave me a huge fancy gift bag and inside was all the baby stuff. Bibs, clothes and soothers all stuff I already have and don’t need more of. I guess I look disappointed so she made a comment about how rude it was to not appreciate a gift. Another family member sheepishly handed me another gift and it was another fu**ing “I love my mom” type of onesie. I tried to act thankful but some family members could tell I was upset.
Several people have told me I was ungrateful and selfish and I should just appreciate what I’ve gotten but I’m so upset. I feel like no one cares about me, just my daughter. When I told a friend about this they said I’m an a**h**e for being jealous of my child and I should just appreciate all the nice things they got for my baby.
Am I an a**h**e for not appreciating what I got. Am I honestly being jealous of my baby? I didn’t want anything extravagant this year. I would have been happy with something from the thrift store as long as it was meant for me and not my child. I felt like some people used my birthday as an excuse to go baby shopping. I know everyone is excited for my baby and I love them more than anything but it’s like everyone has forgotten about me.
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: