Source: Reddit
Days ago. I (sahm with 3) was in the midst of doing laundry when my husband (breadwinner, works as a pilot) asked if I could iron his uniform before his shift. I didn’t say “yes” because I was busy (laundry then kids homework then cooking etc..). I said I may not find the time to do it. He turned around and walked away completely ignoring what I was saying.
An hour later, he came downstairs freaking out asking why I didn’t iron his uniform when he asked me to. I told him I was busy and reminded him of how I didn’t say yes to his request. He blew up saying that I obviously don’t care about him displaying “professionalism” at work (’s just a uniform? It’s not like it was dirty just needed some ironing). He lectured me about how his work is important and although I’m a sahm I still should make his job a priority. He decided to miss his shift as a way to “teach me a lesson” and show me how my lack of cooperation and my refusal to help him out could affect the money that keeps coming in. I called him insane for missing the shift, and he got offended and called me a hypocrite for calling him insane and acting all surprised when it was me who caused this situation to happen.
I mean I could have taken some time off doing my chores to iron his uniform, but still thought his reaction was a bit much. Am I Wrong? For those asking why he didn’t iron the uniform himself? Because I’m the one who usually does the ironing and he said it’s “on the list” of my house chores list which is true, but I don’t give it priority like other chores like homework or laundry.
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: