“Dave Fulton, served in Iraq with Staff Sgt. Chris Robertson in 2009 although they were not close and hardly knew each other when he heard Chris Robertsons premature baby was born with serious medical issues he became the biggest blessing they could’ve ever imagined. There little girl Rayden, was born with cleft lip, palate, and two heart defects. Rayden was born at 31 weeks and was in the Nicu for 52 days. She will have close to 15 surgerys and her parents have to travel 4.5 hours every week for appointments. This family endured so much so quickly, Dave Fulton ran into Chris and his wife Alexandra and quickly wanted to help.
Dave put on a ride for Rayden, where 300 bikers came together and raised near 11,000 dollars to help with medical bills and travel costs. Dave Fulton is selfless he puts everyone before himself, he helps put food on the table for veterans who can’t afford it due to various reasons, he does anything that is needed no matter what it is or what the cost is. He helps pay bills for veterans, who are going through difficult times financially and with his own money. He is a hero in more then just the military. He helped Rayden fight, he made a negative situation more positive for Raydens family.

He is forever the Robertson’s hero. This man deserves so much.. The robertsons will forever be greatful for daves selfless act of kindness. The Robertson’s have 5 children, a 3 year old with epilepsy, and also Rayden and her disabilitys. and now can focus on supporting there children and getting through these difficult times because of Dave Fulton and numerous bikers and community that came together to help this family.”