Weddings are among the most significant occasions in a person’s life. Every parent, be it birth or step, wishes to attend and bless the couple. However in this story the daughter didn’t invite her step dad even when he contributed towards the wedding. Read the whole story and what would you do in this situation?
Source: Reddit
I have a daughter “Leah” who’s 23. I met my current husband when she was 16 and she never really saw him as a dad although he’s always been there which is part of who he is, he values family and she respects him a lot. He has a son “Justin” who’s 27 and there were issues involving some money my stepson inherited from his mother’s side of family.
Leah was counting on the fact that Justin would share but it didn’t happen. This caused a huge fallout especially when my husband got involved. Leah had claimed he didn’t see her as family and went low contact. Then 2 years later things started to get better.
She’s getting married and my husband suggested that we contribute money towards her wedding as a way to make up for the inheritance money Justin refused to share with her. She agreed but only sent me an invitation. When my husband saw that the invitation only had my name on it, we both discovered that Leah did not want him to attend. I felt absolutely devastated but didn’t say a word because it’s her wedding. My husband fought with me regarding my stance and I told him it’s her wedding and I can’t force her to invite him even when he put money towards it. Is it ok? No. But it’s out of my hands. I’m just basically a guest. He didn’t like that. He stormed off then had Justin call to berate me and call me and Leah an opportunist who “took full advantage” of his father. I was heartbroken over that.
Am I A Jerk for what I said to him?
Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: