A stepmother’s responsibility is to know everything, care about everything, and provide extra love to children she did not give birth to. Read this story and let us know what you think about this step mother’s decision for a little step daughter?
Source: Instagram
Hi @Talkswithmee I need some advice from the mommies on your page. My fiance has a 4 year old daughter, her mother passed away when she was born. He’s been raising her on his own ever since he lost his wife.
I am now in the picture and were are set to get married in 2022. I’m also 7 months pregnant with a precious little girl. I am not the stepmother type and I know I won’t treat his daughter the same way I will treat our child, to be quiet honest she gets on my damn nerves.
For one, the lil girl looks just like her mother and having her around constantly reminds my fiance of his dead wife, second, she is very attached to her daddy and I’m afraid this is going to take away from my child’s bond with her father.
I basically want to tell my fiance to get rid of her, she can live with her grandparents or we can find her a nice family that’s looking to adopt a child. I don’t know how to approach the situation but I need to find a way to convince my fiance to let her go.
I promise I am not a bad person, I’m just trying to look out for my child and make sure she receives all of her daddy’s attention without having her “older sister” intervene. Please help!
Do you think her request is reasonable? Any advice. Here are a few comments on the story where it was originally posted: